My name is Joachim Seidel. 1979 I had my apprenticeship as Masseuse Medical Lifeguard with additional training. 1981 I received state recognition as Masseuse Medical Lifeguard. Healing of my patients didn't occur through physical interaction with my patients (causality), but by palliative treatment.
The HWS Syndrom, such as the LWS-Syndrom, are related to the correction of the first cervical vertebra, the so called Atlas therapy. This is achieved by initiating an Impulse to alter the first cervical vertebra through the power of mind. Through the force of my thoughts and my positive intentions this Impulse is directed into my patients.
In the past I have had success in making symptoms of certain diagnoses immediately disappear. Within seconds I was able to heal pelvic oliquity by positively reinforcing the spine and further measures.
Through Dr. Heiner Biedermann I learned About Kiss-Kidd, which he describes in his literature. The causes, (longterm) consequences and manuallytherapeutical treatment of early childhood asymmetry. If left untreated, the longterm consequences will be seen until high age. It is not rare that patients, through the static corrections, leave my healing as a new person without any symptoms.
1994 and 1996 I went to Prof. Popp for photon measurements, which were taking while I symmetrically transferred my energie to my patient. Due to the symmetrie of my measurement results, the experiment can be evaluated as a success and confirmation of my energy treatment.
In the past years I had feedback from 123 countries about my work, showing interest in my treatment methodology.
I also treat cancer patients, but only as additional treatment to further support ongoing treatment.
The Kiss-Kidd Syndrom
The head joint
Atlas - the first cervical vertebra, C1 Axis - the second cervical vertebra, C2
The atlas and the axis, the uppermost two cervical vertebrae, differ in their construction from the other cervical vertebrae. They are part of the flexible joint which connects the skull and the spine, and which is responsible for nodding and turning movements of the head. The atlas, on which the head rests, has no vertebral body. It is named after the Greek god Atlas who, according to legend, carried the columns of the sky. The axis forms the pivot upon which the atlas rotates.
The atlas, the axis, the base of the skull and the surrounding soft parts (muscles, nerves, ligaments) together comprise the head joint. This area represents an important reflex centre (the sixth sense organ), which is involved in spatial awareness and controls muscle tone in the body's postural muscles. There are close connections between receptors in this area and certain parts of the brain (centres of sight, hearing and balance). This reflex centre is also responsible for sensing the position of the head relative to the body.
In brief, functions associated with the head joint region include:
inducing sleep (via relaxation of the joint)
contribution to movement and balance
a connection with the vegetative (autonomic) centres of the brain
a connection with the central processing areas of the brain.
What is KISS syndrome?
KISS (Kinematic Imbalances due to Suboccipital Strain) is not an “illness” as such, but instead a problem of motor control.
Primary consequences of this are
there also seems to be an element of familial tendency toward KISS syndrome
These are possible ways in which the delicate head joint could be pushed out of alignment, resulting in a physical asymmetry. This used to be called Atlas blockage, and was first described in 1953 by Dr. Gottfried Gutmann. Around 8% of the total population is probably affected. Dr. Lutz Erik Koch estimates that out of 10% of people needing therapy, in fact less than 1% ever receives treatment. He also believes that only every second paediatrician is aware of KISS syndrome. Parents are often appeased with the words “he/she will grow out of it”. And it does really seem as if the neck distortion disappears after a while, even without treatment (either spontaneously, or with physiotherapy). In reality, the baby learns how to compensate for its distorted position and to minimize associated pain. Some pull themselves up or start to walk particularly early, often to the joy of their parents. In reality they are making instinctive attempts to find a painless position. Particularly pronounced cases are known as a “wry neck”.
Inadult life, untreated patients can suffer from long-term consequences: